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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Satisfy the Taste Buds and Keep Your Waistline

With the recent wintry weather, many have begun to crave “comfort” food: french fries, chili, baked potatoes, and other warm spicy foods that make us feel good inside. Most of these cravings, however, are belly busters that leave many struggling to get back into shape come spring time. Well, you can still feel good inside and meet these cravings without the caloric load. How? By creatively substituting healthier alternatives to satisfy those taste buds. Don’t ignore the taste buds. They are natural stress relievers when satisfied. Use the nutrient dense ideas suggested below to help satisfy those cravings, keep your waistline down, and boost the immune system you demand so much out of.

1. Tea. The tea scene is exploding with creative varieties that would leave grandmothers around the world in awe (Sorry Nana, “normal” tea is not black tea anymore). Drink tea to satisfy your cravings for intense flavor. Try new flavors throughout the week. Warning: This will become a healthy addiction. Watch the caffeine intake and try any of the red tea (Rooibos) variations. Red tea has all the well-known healthy benefits of green tea without the jolting caffeine. My favorite flavor? Anything with zing: chai variations, ginger peach, blueberry Rooibos, or relaxing peppermint with chamomile at night. If you like it sweet, use stevia or licorice root powder for a safe and natural zero-calorie sweetener.

Red tea has recently grown in popularity. Republic of Tea offers a wide selection of variations and is available at popular chain grocers. Besides having zero calories, your body will appreciate the ancient healthy remedies found in herbs.

2. Life French fries? Sauté asparagus in extra virgin olive oil adding sea salt and garlic powder in the last couple of minutes. Serve crispy, dip in ketchup and satisfy your starchy fry craving. Tip: sauté the asparagus a bit longer than usual (around 10 minutes), making sure to keep the heat on medium to prevent the olive oil from losing its flavor.

3. A dash of balsamic vinegar, a sprinkle of coriander on grilled veggies (like zucchini and squash), or throw some crunchy wheat flakes on top of grilled chicken (don’t tell your taste buds it’s not fried and they will never know the difference).

Be creative with your alternatives. If you have a favorite alteration that you would like to share, write in with your suggestion.

1 comment:

  1. Hey - you should check out Racing Weight a new Matt Fitzgerald book - a good read (so far) with some ideas. Eating soup during the day apparently leads one to eat 441 fewer calories a day!

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